Grey Belt Land 

What contributes to a Grey Belt site:

  • Currently Green Belt.
  • Likely no public access. 
  • Not a 'green wedge' between settlements.
  • In a sustainable location.
  • Not a natural beauty spot. 


Identify and develop potential projects on grey belt land.




Let us value the land and rate the likelihood of residential planning grant:

  • Leave us your details we will call you back.
  • We will look to visit your plot within one week.
  •  At no expense to you and with absolutely no commitment to sell we will value your land and confirm its suitability as a grey belt site.
  • We make you an offer for your land (subject to planning grant).
  • We pay your reasonable legal fees.
  • We enter a 'subject to planning' purchase contract or option to buy. Both routes are time related.  Any agreed arrangement to sell to us falls away at an agreed timescale.